JAKEe Wrap Design CyberTrucks
If you a a regular reader of, you are likely familiar with my original JAKEe Wrap Design CyberTruck which is pictured below. This design was the byproduct of a tremendous amount of experimentation, but I came up with a published the first version just after Elon first showed off the CyberTruck in 2019.
I plan to purchase a CyberTruck in 2025, and wrap it this way for sure, and although I originally planned to purchase a CyberTruck immediately, and was first in line to purchase one, I just couldn't get around the $20K upcharge for the Foundation Series, and the lower range, which pissed me off to no end. Also, I didn't want to purchase a depreciation rocket, nor did I feel like being a Beta Tester for Tesla, so I decided to hold out and wait until the CyberTruck had been out for more than a year.
Even thought I came up with my original JAKEe WRAP DESIGN REFERENCE which can be see above on a real CyberTruck that somebody wrapped with my design idea, I never really went beyond me initial design, but recently I started playing around with an updated, or new idea version and came up the wrap design ideas pictured below.
The first new JAKEe WRAP DESIGN idea above really emphasizes the pyramid shape on top, but blacking it out with darker tint, and then adding, ironically, a white fat stripe with a red bottom. This design is ultra-modern looking to me and has a Racer-X kind of vibe.
I also tried adding a red fat-stripe to an all blackout model as pictured above and I think it looks king of cool.
Last but not least, I kinda like the really simple black pyramid top, with the simple red bottom wrap seen below.
I plan to keep experimenting with wrap ideas, as inspiration dictates. The thing that kind of surprised me about the CyberTruck in general today is just how crazy wrappable it is. I think a standard stainless steel CyberTruck still looks cool, but they also look kind of boring and generic compared to all the wrapped ones I see all the time now. Of course, as I discover cool wrap ideas I will keep sharing them...