Going Plaid!!!
New Tesla Roadster
0-60MPH in 1.9 Seconds!!!!!
Just yesterday I wrote a story about how much the founder of Rolex, Hans Wilsdorf admired American inventor, Thomas Edison. This is ironic, as Elon Musk is not only the Thomas Edison of our time, but also the Henry Ford, and Nikola Tesla—all bundled into one person.
Tonight, in Southern California, Elon Musk just unveiled the new Tesla Trucks, and surprised everybody by unveiling the upcoming next-generation Tesla Roadster which can do 0-60MPH (97KPH) in 1.9 seconds, making it the faster production car ever made!!!
And even crazier, it has a 620 Mile range, achieved by a 200 Kilowatt hour batter, which means it will be able to drive from San Francisco to Los Angeles and back on one charge!!!
Tonight, in Southern California, Elon Musk just unveiled the new Tesla Trucks, and surprised everybody by unveiling the upcoming next-generation Tesla Roadster which can do 0-60MPH (97KPH) in 1.9 seconds, making it the faster production car ever made!!!
Tesla semi-truck next to next-generation Tesla Roadster. Photo appears courtesy of TechCrunch.
On a side note, the fact the upcoming next-generation Roadster has a 200 Killowat hour battery, that can travel 620 miles before it needs to be recharged, is probably a sign of things to come for the Tesla Model S and Model X, which currently max out at 100 Killowat hours. Basically, this could very well be the death knell for internal combustion engines, assuming a Model S or X Tesla could travel over 600 miles on one charge!
You can watch a replay of Elon Musk's AMAZING Keynote he gave tonight by watching the video below:

When a blind man bears the standard pity those who follow…. Where ignorance is bliss ‘tis folly to be wise…. myapps tesla